たんぽぽハチミツ [Dandelion Honey]
タンポポは美しい黄色い花を咲かせる草で、健康に良い成分がたくさん含まれています。この花から採取されるハチミツは、一般的なハチミツと比べると、野草を思わせる独特な香りと、シャープな甘さとほんのり残る苦みが特長です。 また、タンポポには抗酸化作用や抗炎症作用があるといわれており、美容や健康に良いとされています。 自然の力を感じながら美容や健康をサポートするための素敵な選択肢となることでしょう。
Dandelion is a grass that produces beautiful yellow flowers and contains many beneficial components for health. The honey collected from these flowers is characterized by a unique aroma reminiscent of wild grass, a sharp sweetness, and a subtle lingering bitterness, compared to regular honey. Additionally, dandelion is said to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, making it beneficial for beauty and health. It can be a wonderful choice for supporting beauty and health while experiencing the power of nature.
タンポポは美しい黄色い花を咲かせる草で、健康に良い成分がたくさん含まれています。この花から採取されるハチミツは、一般的なハチミツと比べると、野草を思わせる独特な香りと、シャープな甘さとほんのり残る苦みが特長です。 また、タンポポには抗酸化作用や抗炎症作用があるといわれており、美容や健康に良いとされています。 自然の力を感じながら美容や健康をサポートするための素敵な選択肢となることでしょう。
Dandelion is a grass that produces beautiful yellow flowers and contains many beneficial components for health. The honey collected from these flowers is characterized by a unique aroma reminiscent of wild grass, a sharp sweetness, and a subtle lingering bitterness, compared to regular honey. Additionally, dandelion is said to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, making it beneficial for beauty and health. It can be a wonderful choice for supporting beauty and health while experiencing the power of nature.
百花蜜(ひゃっかみつ) [Hundred Flowers Honey]
"Hundred Flowers Honey" (Hyakkamitsu) is a natural blend honey collected by bees as they fly around fields and mountains, gathering nectar from various flowers. The taste of this honey varies greatly depending on the season, year, and region, as it is collected from blooming flowers at that particular moment. However, this also means that each year brings a different flavor, aroma, and character, allowing you to experience a complex fragrance that complements the beautiful landscapes of Hokkaido, Japan.
"Hundred Flowers Honey" (Hyakkamitsu) is a natural blend honey collected by bees as they fly around fields and mountains, gathering nectar from various flowers. The taste of this honey varies greatly depending on the season, year, and region, as it is collected from blooming flowers at that particular moment. However, this also means that each year brings a different flavor, aroma, and character, allowing you to experience a complex fragrance that complements the beautiful landscapes of Hokkaido, Japan.
菩提樹(ぼだいじゅ) [Linden Honey]
菩提樹(ぼだいじゅ)は日本では本州の一部と北海道にしか自生しておらず、ハチミツが採取出来るのは北海道のみ。シナモンを思わせる芳醇な香りを放つこのハチミツは、ヨーロッパでは最高級のハチミツとして扱われており、弊社でも熱狂的なファンが多く、最も人気のあるハチミツです。 北海道洞爺湖サミットでは、ロシア政府代表団の食事にも採用された当社自慢の一品です。
2022年 北のハイグレード認証取得
Bodaiju trees are native to certain parts of Honshu and Hokkaido in Japan, and honey can only be harvested in Hokkaido. This honey, with its rich and aromatic scent reminiscent of cinnamon, is regarded as a premium honey in Europe and has garnered a passionate fan base, including within our company. It is our most popular honey. During the Hokkaido Toyako Summit, it was even selected for the meals of the Russian government delegation, showcasing our pride and joy.
菩提樹(ぼだいじゅ)は日本では本州の一部と北海道にしか自生しておらず、ハチミツが採取出来るのは北海道のみ。シナモンを思わせる芳醇な香りを放つこのハチミツは、ヨーロッパでは最高級のハチミツとして扱われており、弊社でも熱狂的なファンが多く、最も人気のあるハチミツです。 北海道洞爺湖サミットでは、ロシア政府代表団の食事にも採用された当社自慢の一品です。
2022年 北のハイグレード認証取得
Bodaiju trees are native to certain parts of Honshu and Hokkaido in Japan, and honey can only be harvested in Hokkaido. This honey, with its rich and aromatic scent reminiscent of cinnamon, is regarded as a premium honey in Europe and has garnered a passionate fan base, including within our company. It is our most popular honey. During the Hokkaido Toyako Summit, it was even selected for the meals of the Russian government delegation, showcasing our pride and joy.
さくら蜜 [Cherry Blossom Honey]
ハチミツは「ミツバチ」・「花の状態」・「天候」この3つのタイミングが合わなければ採取出来ないものですが、サクラのハチミツは特にその傾向が強いハチミツです。 ご存じのようにサクラの開花期間は1週間~2週間ほどと短く、また花も雨や風ですぐに散ってしまう儚い花です。 そんなサクラを、静岡県伊豆市の山の中、一瞬のタイミングを見計らって採取したこのハチミツは、フタを開けると桜の葉の香りがほのかに薫り、口に含むとまろやかなやさしい甘みが広がる優しい表情を持つハチミツです。
Honey is a product that cannot be harvested unless three factors align: bees, the state of flowers, and weather conditions. Sakura honey, in particular, exemplifies this strong dependency. As you know, the cherry blossom season is short, lasting only about one to two weeks, and the delicate flowers easily scatter in the wind or rain.
This honey is collected in the mountains of Izu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, amidst a moment carefully chosen. When you open the jar, a subtle fragrance of cherry blossom leaves fills the air, and when you taste it, a smooth and gentle sweetness spreads, presenting a honey with a tender and delicate character.
ハチミツは「ミツバチ」・「花の状態」・「天候」この3つのタイミングが合わなければ採取出来ないものですが、サクラのハチミツは特にその傾向が強いハチミツです。 ご存じのようにサクラの開花期間は1週間~2週間ほどと短く、また花も雨や風ですぐに散ってしまう儚い花です。 そんなサクラを、静岡県伊豆市の山の中、一瞬のタイミングを見計らって採取したこのハチミツは、フタを開けると桜の葉の香りがほのかに薫り、口に含むとまろやかなやさしい甘みが広がる優しい表情を持つハチミツです。
Honey is a product that cannot be harvested unless three factors align: bees, the state of flowers, and weather conditions. Sakura honey, in particular, exemplifies this strong dependency. As you know, the cherry blossom season is short, lasting only about one to two weeks, and the delicate flowers easily scatter in the wind or rain.
This honey is collected in the mountains of Izu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, amidst a moment carefully chosen. When you open the jar, a subtle fragrance of cherry blossom leaves fills the air, and when you taste it, a smooth and gentle sweetness spreads, presenting a honey with a tender and delicate character.
クローバー [Clover Honey]
白い花を咲かせるホワイトクローバーのハチミツで、日本ではレンゲやアカシアなどに比べてなじみがないクローバーのハチミツですが、世界的には最も生産され、親しまれています。 クセが少なくなくほどよい甘みが特徴で、艶やかな透明感のある金色をしており、とても色合いが美しいハチミツです。 しかし、近年日本では蜜源の減少が著しく、採取が難しくなってきている貴重なハチミツです。
The honey of white-flowered clover, known as White Clover, is not as familiar in Japan compared to other varieties such as rapeseed or acacia honey. However, it is the most widely produced and beloved honey worldwide. It is characterized by a moderate sweetness and a distinct flavor that is not overpowering. The honey has a lustrous, transparent golden color, making it visually appealing. The color combination is beautiful. Unfortunately, in recent years, there has been a significant decline in honey sources in Japan, making it increasingly difficult to collect this precious honey.
白い花を咲かせるホワイトクローバーのハチミツで、日本ではレンゲやアカシアなどに比べてなじみがないクローバーのハチミツですが、世界的には最も生産され、親しまれています。 クセが少なくなくほどよい甘みが特徴で、艶やかな透明感のある金色をしており、とても色合いが美しいハチミツです。 しかし、近年日本では蜜源の減少が著しく、採取が難しくなってきている貴重なハチミツです。
The honey of white-flowered clover, known as White Clover, is not as familiar in Japan compared to other varieties such as rapeseed or acacia honey. However, it is the most widely produced and beloved honey worldwide. It is characterized by a moderate sweetness and a distinct flavor that is not overpowering. The honey has a lustrous, transparent golden color, making it visually appealing. The color combination is beautiful. Unfortunately, in recent years, there has been a significant decline in honey sources in Japan, making it increasingly difficult to collect this precious honey.
アカシア [Acacia Honey]
アカシア(ニセアカシア)は全国的に広く分布しているマメ科の樹木で、日本では長野県や秋田県で主流のハチミツですが、北海道でも6月~7月にかけて山がほんのり白くなるほど、たくさんの房状の花を付けます。 その花から取れるハチミツは、淡い色合いのサラサラしたハチミツで、上品でクセのないスッキリとした甘みが特徴のハチミツです。
Acacia is a widely distributed leguminous tree in Japan, mainly found in Nagano and Akita prefectures. Even in Hokkaido, the mountains faintly turn white with numerous clustered flowers from June to July. The honey obtained from its flowers is a light-colored, runny honey with an elegant, refreshing sweetness and no distinct taste. Due to its flavor and the appearance of its flowers, it is often referred to as the "Queen of Honey" and is used in various dishes such as pizza and sushi rice.
アカシア(ニセアカシア)は全国的に広く分布しているマメ科の樹木で、日本では長野県や秋田県で主流のハチミツですが、北海道でも6月~7月にかけて山がほんのり白くなるほど、たくさんの房状の花を付けます。 その花から取れるハチミツは、淡い色合いのサラサラしたハチミツで、上品でクセのないスッキリとした甘みが特徴のハチミツです。
Acacia is a widely distributed leguminous tree in Japan, mainly found in Nagano and Akita prefectures. Even in Hokkaido, the mountains faintly turn white with numerous clustered flowers from June to July. The honey obtained from its flowers is a light-colored, runny honey with an elegant, refreshing sweetness and no distinct taste. Due to its flavor and the appearance of its flowers, it is often referred to as the "Queen of Honey" and is used in various dishes such as pizza and sushi rice.