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Wind of Virtues Vol. 1 January 2024
健康&美容 3.5キロの減量 体幹を鍛える
家族 86歳の母の訪問と東京に住む夫と会う回数を増やす
仕事 質の向上と新しいプロジェクトを進める ヴァーチューズプロジェクトのワークショップのフットワークを軽く
自分 いたわりの時間と大好きな人に会うことを惜しまない
愛 いたわり 思いやり 感謝 寛大 寛容 気転 共感 協力 勤勉 決意 謙虚 コミットメント 識別 自己主張 自信 自制心 柔軟性 正直 情熱 真摯 親切 辛抱強さ 信頼 信頼性 正義 清潔 誠実 整理整頓 責任 節度 創造性 尊敬 忠誠心 慎み 手伝い 忍耐 奉仕 無執着 名誉 目的意識 優しさやすらぎ 勇気 友好 優秀 ゆるし 喜び 理解 理想主義 礼儀 和
So, have you already set your goals for this year, 2024?
My goals are as follows
Health & Beauty: Lose 3.5 kilos Strengthen my core
Family: Visit my 86 year old mother and see my husband in Tokyo more often
Work: Improve quality and promote new projects Lighten. The footwork for Virtues Project workshops
Myself: Spare time to take care of myself and see the people I love
So what virtues do you need to achieve your goals?
Love Tending Caring Gratitude Generosity Generosity Tolerance Empathy Empathy Cooperation Hardworking Determination Humility Commitment Identification Self-assertion Self-confidence Self-control Flexibility Honesty Passion Passion Sincerity Kindness Patience Trust Reliability Justice Cleanliness Honesty Tidiness Responsibility Moderation Creativity Respect Loyalty Modesty Helping Patience Service Nonattachment Honor Purposefulness Kindness Comfort Courage Friendship Excellence Forgiveness Joy Understanding Idealism Courtesy Harmony
<Is it Determination? <Is it self-discipline? <A sense of purpose?
It depends on each person, but I would like to introduce
A sense of purpose is the awareness that everyone exists for a reason. A sense of purpose means to have a clear focus. First, we have a clear vision of what we want to accomplish, and then we focus our minds on that goal. Do one thing at a time, without letting your energy be distracted by many things. Some people let things happen, but purposeful people make things happen themselves.
You are demonstrating the virtue of a sense of purpose when you do the following
You have a clear vision of what you want to achieve.
You are aware of the reasons for the actions you take.
You focus on the goal.
When your attention is distracted or disturbed, you correct course toward your goal.
Does things in order and finishes what he starts.
Be patient and persistent until you get the results you want.
I don't always have a vision.
I tend to start with anything and everything, so I will do my best while correcting my course.
How about you?
Please make a wonderful year while thinking about what kind of person you want to be.
From Kaori with LOVE